Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rock and stroll...

I'm in Cleveland now, home of the...well nothing really. Unless you count transients. I visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I am very torn on it. If I had not gotten free tickets, I most likely would have been pissed. Since it was free, it seemed a bit cooler. Top item on display: Jim Morrison's report card from the semester of school he attended at St. Pete College. I was not aware such a legend lived in area at any time. Contrary to what the Fi wanted to hear, I did not have a vision of Morrison with any native americans. 2nd best item: The entire outfit collection from N'Sync "Certified as worn" during the video shoot from the No Strings Attached song where they are in the boxes pretending to be dolls.
Since I am a new-age punk rocker, I found the punk-rock exhibit riveting and enhancing. It...was...awesome.
As a side note, I choose not to divulge my occupation, however this trip has gained me legendary status. I have gained some serious street cred and my reputation is spreading fast. I am a no non-sense, red-ass handing sharpshooter. Don't mess with me or my associates, because i will smear your crap all over US.
(I had a sweet Sid Vicious Pic to go with this post but I am slightly clueless working on a Mac.)

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