Tuesday, February 06, 2007

YouTube mania

As you all saw a few weeks ago I posted about Twiggy the Water Skiing Squirrel. In doing so I created a video on YouTube, my first such public video. I was also unaware that viewers could actually comment on said video. Another awesome bonus - I get an email when someone comments. I was surprisingly startled by the amount of people who watched the video and cared so much about a trained skiing squirrel that they would take the time to leave a review/opinion. Such as "Thematrixexpert" who was one of the first to lay eyes on the pulitzer prize winning video and scolded my existence "This is abusive. 1 star and shame on you." Another bonus discovered...people can rate me!

sidebar - this reminds me of the one time Steve and Joey Fatone took a picture in which I looked slightly retarded and posted it on this site. I was pleased that a shirtless Brando with a jacked up smile would fetch an average score of 4.5, thereby getting me into the slightly hot category.

Back to YouTube, as much as the matrix lover's comment got me down, 'urbanfreestyle' picked me up by defending my honor "your an idiot, the squirrel is obviously enjoying it`s self or it wudnt get on it."

urban would also point out later that "it has a life jacket on... " therefore it wouldn't get hurt if he jumped in.

'joshiboi0' disagreed though - "need there fuckin heads kikin in them fucked up bastards ,leave tht fuckin squirrel"

I think he got so mad his English went to shit.

'babyhalps' chimed in with a lovely observation as well "Everybody knows squirrels love NUTS. This is just a good demonstration of how he puts up with one."

the fun is endless.

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